Friday, December 21, 2007


You’re walking down the sidewalk. Coming your way are two Mormon Missionaries.
You jaywalk to the other side to avoid them. Question: Are you afraid they’ll try to
tell you about their religion or force you to take a second wife when you can’t handle the first?

You’re walking down the sidewalk. A Catholic Priest and a Nun are walking toward you on the same sidewalk. You jaywalk to the other side to avoid them. Question: Are you afraid they’ll turn you over to the grand inquisitor, apply thumb screws, attach you to the rack and put you in the iron maiden to get your mind straight?

You’re walking down the sidewalk. An orthodox Jewish Rabbi is heading your way on the same sidewalk. You quickly jaywalk to the other side to avoid him. Question: Are you afraid he’ll take away your ham and cheese sandwiches, force you to join the Mossad and infiltrate Iran?

You’re walking down the sidewalk. Mike Huckebee is on the same sidewalk heading your way. You jaywalk to the other side to avoid him at all costs. Question: Are you afraid he’ll perform a violent exorcism on your children and cat, tax you into oblivion in the name of caring, allow unlimited illegal immigration to take your house and money, demand that you convert to born-again, evangelical Christendom, and eliminate your “right” to an abortion?

You’re walking down the sidewalk. A 12-year-old Muslim boy with something bulging beneath his tunic, mumbles passages from the Koran is on the same sidewalk headed your way. You see the petrified look on his face and run like a scalded rabbit to the other sidewalk across the street. Unfortunately, you don’t quite make it because Islamofacists trigger an IED just as you reach the curb. You never walk again. Question: Are you forced to convert to Islam, launch a jihad against those members of your family who refuse to convert, scourge Rosie O’Donnell and perform a full-mouthecktomy on her, put Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in full length burqas (well.....maybe that’s not so bad) and filet Ross-the-intern for what appear to be obvious reasons.

Isn’t life full of difficult questions?

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