Sunday, November 30, 2008


Barak Obama continues to break his promises. NewsGnome will regularly post this list of Obama’s broken promises as President. NewsGnome will publish on the first of each month with new additions. Broken promises Obama are solicited from readers. Please add your contributions in the comments section and they’ll be added to the list.



I will change US image abroad-makes Hillary Sec. of State............Broken
I will change the defense department, YET keeps Gates............... Broken
I will close Guantanamo..............................................................Breaking
I will sit down with dictators with no pre-conditions ...................Breaking
I will stop waterboarding and CIA interrogation techniques........Breaking
I will use federal campaign funds................................................ Broken
I will get US troops out of Iraq in 16 month..................................Breaking
I will change Washington with new faces......................................Broken
I will not hire lobbyists, hires lobbyist Daschle............................Broken
I will be bi-partisan. Hires highly partisan Emmanual..................Broken
I will eliminate Bush tax cuts.......................................................Breaking
I will dump Patriot Act wire tapping.............................................Breaking
I will eliminate tax breaks for wealthy.......................................... Broken

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Black rappers, film makers and leaders of black communities constantly call black women “bitches.” In their songs, speech and dialogue women are frequently referred to as bitches. So I have a question to any black American who may read this blog.

With Obama becoming the president, does it mean that we should now refer to Michelle Obama as the “First Bitch” to be sure that we comply with the demands that “White,” “Brown,” “Red,” and “Yellow” Americans recognize and promote the culture of the Black community as defined by the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and most of the black rappers and community organizers which are now defined as a racial group?

I’m just trying to do what has been demanded of me by the black community and understand the new change of tone and direction in America. Please let me know the appropriate reference to Michelle. We have at least 4 years to get this right so I’d like to start out on the right foot.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I love the change aspect of Obama. He certainly has been living up to his promise to change.

He's changed from the change that he promised to change during his campaign to change

and there's no end in sight for the changes to the change he's changing.



Barak Obama continues to break his promises. NewsGnome will regularly
post this list of Obama’s broken promises as President. NewsGnome will
publish this list on the first of each month with new additions.

Obama promises as identified by readers are solicited.

Please add your contributions in the
comments section and
they’ll be added to the list.


I promise to use federal campaign funds....................................Broken
I will get US troops out of Iraq in 16 month................................Breaking
I will change Washington with new faces....................................Broken
I will not hire lobbyists, hires lobbyist Daschle..........................Broken
I will be bi-partisan. Hires highly partisan Emanual...................Broken
I will eliminate Bush tax cuts.....................................................Breaking
I will dump Patriot Act wire tapping..........................................Breaking
I will eliminate tax breaks for wealthy.......................................Breaking

Saturday, November 22, 2008


During the campaign some people were fearful of Barak Obama’s middle name “Hussein.” As it turns they all got his middle name wrong...its’s not Hussein, it’s Barak “Clinton” Obama. It’s become obvious, with all the Clinton appointments, who Obama favors.

The problem is, I’m not sure which is worse, being related to Saddam or the Clintons.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


If Barack Obama would have been honest and explained that the change he was proposing was really just changing back to the Clinton administration maybe things would have been different. Most of his appointments are Clinton people. What he doesn’t realize is the Clinton people will attempt to undermine him, which I would appreciate, just to get the Clintons back in the White House. It's always a good idea when Democrats destroy Democrats for power. It shows their true colors. And I thought Obama won the election.

I have next door neighbors who are big Obama supporters and activists in the Democrat party. They’re old hippies from the 60 and 70s who go to “Burning Man” and whose main goal in life was to vote for a black man for president. During the 15 years we’ve lived beside them, he has been laid off probably five times during the best of economic years of Clinton and Bush . I understand why they support government intervention. They are unable to exist without government help. It is the nature of liberals to want government bailout not only on a national level but on a personal level. In other words, they must be supported by others to survive. Unfortunately, they want everybody else to have to rely on government to survive.

I’d like to confront the women whose statements on YouTube about Obama paying for her mortgage and gas bills a year from now, ask her if Obama has been paying her bills. If not, I'd like to here her explanation of why Obama is reneging on the promise she believed he made to her. I can guarantee she will either deny saying what she said, or say that because Bush made such a mess of the economy Obama wasn’t able to keep his promise. The excuses will be legion.

For the next four years, at least, the news media will form the fundamental foundation for all excuses and become the Obombers explaining his inevitable failures. The American people will have to decide if we are national socialists with government ownership of the economy or if we are free citizens with a democratic republic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


EMPLOYEES NEEDED: Barak Obama's reign begins soon and applications for employment are being taken. Jobs start January 20th 2009. Republicans and/or conservatives need not apply.

Special Service (SS) command staff: Military training desired if with Chicago political machine politics. Absolute loyalty required directly to President Obama. Personal loyalty oaths administered directly by the President. Marxist or socialist political slants preferred. White affirmative action not applicable. Prayer training five time per day.

Special Services (SS) personnel staff: Crowd control, militancy, and experience with tasers, electrical torture, water boarding and water cannon beneficial. ACORN community organizers with intimidation techniques will receive preferential consideration. Whites affirmative action not applicable. Prayer training five time per day.

White House Praetorian Guard command and staff: Blacks only need apply. Military training with KGB preferred. Jihadist command training also acceptable. Martial arts black belt minimum, mixed martial arts training acceptable, street gang command and capping experience also beneficial. Must be willing to cap command identified persons without regard to race, religion, gender, orientation, nationality or political party affiliation. Must swear mortal oath to Obama during ring-kissing ceremony in the Oval Office upon confirmation of obeisance and genuflection. Prayer training five time per day.

Pentagon Positions: Generals, Admirals, Naval Captains, minorities only need apply. Jihad, KGB, Iran Special Services training and Venezuelan counter insurgency training also acceptable. Obama Loyalty oaths required. Prayer training five time per day.

Lower Command: Colonels, Lt. Colonels, Some whites may apply but extensive background checks by the SS required for all non-minorities. Applicants with more than 3/5% European white Anglo-Saxon ancestry discouraged from applying. Prayer training five time per day.

Send all inquiries to the office of President-elect Barak Obama. WARNING! The office of president-elect does not exist so you may have difficulty finding the address but please be persistent.


So you see, Obama is going to make a big dent in the unemployment numbers by hiring as many as he can.

Friday, November 07, 2008


McCain was a he's a ZERO!

Especially with his dishonest criticism of Palin.


There is a lot of noise on the blogs about how Obama supporters are going to have buyers remorse when they begin to experience the secret and dictatorial actions this man and the thugs who surround him are planning. As he has in the past, he will use the same dishonest, cheating ways in the White House as he did in leading ACORN and illegal foreign campaign fund raising, the institution of a security services force which will act as the SS did, and the effort to completely control all sources of communication ala George Orwell and “1984.”

I disagree. The Obama voters saw only one thing, COLOR and they wanted to be seen voting for a black man with no experience thus assuaging their guilt. These Obama supporters who have ignored his blatant attacks on the constitution in his rhetoric, will not so much as squeak when he socializes America. They will applaud. They will be taxed no matter what their income. They will make excuses and justifications. They will stand it awe at how audaciously he crushes his opposition (which has already started) and these blind voters will secretly hope that they don’t become targets. They will say nothing. They will do nothing. But they will be extremely uncomfortable in secret.

I believe Obama is probably the most surprised person in America that he won. He didn’t realize it would be so easy to steal the Democrat nomination from Hillary. I’m convinced that Obama expected Hillary to win. That he, during the interim, would solidify his experience and be at a good age to run at the end of her presidency.

Obama voters will, in effect, be his amen chorus in dismantling American freedom and power in the world. Nothing will be too obnoxious. Nothing will be too socialistic. Nothing will be too far leftist. Nothing will be too anti-American as long as Obama is doing it.

He has said what he is going to do. The only difference is that it will be done more sub-rosa, under the table and behind your back than ever expected. The far leftists who continue to support him will complain not that he is attempting to decimate his “enemies” but that the decimation is not the lead story on the nightly news.

Freedom of Speech will be the first to be attacked..
Gun rights will be close behind to take the next hit.
Personal attacks on doubters will be rampant.
Obama turncoat critics will be smashed viciously.
The “loyal opposition” will be cynically attacked as unpatriotic.
Tolerance for those who disagree will not be tolerated.
Racism will be aimed at any critic just as in the election.
Taxes, Taxes and more Taxes will be front and center.

So the noise is false. There will be no critiques of Obama from voters who elected him because they have been first hand observers of his brutal nature and as the Germans did with Adolph Hitler, will be silent.

Some believe that the economic crisis will keep reigns on him and not allow him to take the socialistic measures he prefers to implement. I believe the opposite. I believe he will use the crisis as the excuse to impose some of the most stringent leftist policies ever attempted in America just as FDR did.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The election of Barak Obama was an interesting exercise in self-imposed blindness. Voters saw his color and with an overwhelming guilt wanted to say they had voted for the “Black” man. His message was immaterial. Voters simply didn’t listen to what he has proposed, It didn’t matter what he said. Just consider what is being proposed by Obama.

Blind to his proposal for a National police force...Constitutionally antithetical the concept of America
Blind that he plans to eliminate Bush Tax Cuts.....increasing taxes on everybody.
Blind to his illegally raised money from foreign sources.
Blind to him illegally registering voters with the help of his ACORN thugs.
Blind to his proposed confiscation of our 401-K retirement accounts and put them into Social Security.
Blind to his elimination of future military defense systems including anti-missile missiles.
Blind to his spending of 1-trillion in government programs with no way to pay for them. Do I hear Inflation?

None of this mattered. Voters refused to listen. All they could see was his color. And there was one other element. He decimated Hillary simply because he was twice as dishonest and twice as ruthless as the Clintons. And that’s saying something.


Congratulations to President-elect Barak Obama!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Has Obama even read the Constitution much less understand it. Obviously not! Now he’s proposing a national police force (security force) and his supporters are cheering him. Who are these national policemen going to arrest, opponents of Obama.....That’s the NEW catch phrase “OOO will be arrested.” It’s not 666, but it’s close enough.

I wonder if he will call it SPECIAL SERVICES? Or perhaps American Special Services. Achtung Comrad!!!!! Or else!!!