Barak Obama’s first shot to establish a national police force has hit right at the heart of America’s faith in our government. A grassroots protest on Tax Day, April 15, 2009 has prompted Obama to send his director of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, to issue a multi-paged warning to police and sheriff’s departments across the country that radical “right-wing” agitators are on the verge of an armed insurrection against the United States of America.
She went as far as saying that returning American veterans are a threat to our government. That is irresponsibility on a monumental scale and she should resign immediately. Our brave soldiers, including my son, are not threats to America, people like Obama and Napolitano are.
For the first time in my life I went to an anti-government rally with my tea bag, protesting Obama policies. Hundreds of thousands were there, and all over the country. The predominate theme at the rally was that there was no faith in the Obama administration’s policies, taxes and unrestrained spending.
In addition, there was a palpable fear that the U.S. Constitution and America as we knew it in our youth, was being demolished. There were lots of young people there who understood what apparently the youth of the liberal left do not, that the constitution is not a document that can be changed at the whim of a “charismatic” politician.
During the campaign, the extremely liberal and some say socialistic Obama, has said one of his goals was to establish a national police force, a direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States under the Posse Comitatus provision passed in 1878.
Obama however, is attempting to form a psychological basis for such an unconstitutional act by using “Tea Party” protests as the provocation to move forward pushing a “Schutzstaffel” (also called the SS) type of internal police force or as Wikipedia defines it: "Protective Squadron."
How ironic that Obama spinmisters are twisting their perceived view of tax-day tea parties into creating the need for a “Protective Squadron,” exactly the same type of justification used by Nazis in William L. Shirer’s epic work “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.”
Consider the recent events that have occurred in the world and apply them to American citizens. Pirates are now claiming they’re going to kill American seaman. According to Obama, former terrorists who are oathed to kill all things American are now being called something other than terrorists, even when they call themselves terrorists.
While Obama is refusing to call terrorists, terrorists, here in American he is calling American soldiers returning from war, a threat to him personally, his administration and we Americans. It is outrageous. Our brave sons and daughters are being called the villains or as Obama’s 9-page DHS report calls them, “right-wing extremists,” “potential candidates to swell the ranks of white-power militias,” or even “Timothy McVeigh” type threats.
If you have a soldier in the family what do you think of the President of the United States calling your son or daughter whose life was under threat in a war zone, a potential terrorist.
Barak Obama is the single most divisive president in the history of this country.
He has managed to anger just about everybody with a brain. Even those brave buccaneers of the Somalian coast now want to kill Americans thanks to Obama. Pakistan is about to halt our drone operations in their county, and have already capitulated to Islamic radicals in critical parts of Pakistan.
The fickle French president Nicolas Sarkozy is even ridiculing Obama’s lack-luster performance at the G20 conference, sarcastically calling on him to walk on the water of the English Channel.
Obama’s effort to label Americans, American soldiers and those who disagree with his policies of massive spending, gargantuan taxes and communistic economic controls, is reminiscent of totalitarian thinking.
While haters of George W. Bush attacked our efforts to protect American citizens with the Patriot Act, Obama is planning to use similar procedures directed not at those who want to blow us up, but directly at American citizens on our own soil. In the first months of Obama’s administration, the NSA (National Security Agency) has done more internal surveillance in America than Congress allowed in the Patriot Act. Spying on Americans is worse now than it ever was under President Bush.
Just consider how the DHS law enforcement report is worded. It’s very devious, and worse than the Patriot Act by a mile. Here are some of the tricky ways Obama is attempting to label regular American who disagree with him politically. Some of these words come from the report, some from newspapers and online articles. The intent is to attempt to put those who disagree with him under suspicion by using carefully considered words in defining
American citizens. The qualifying words are insidious in the sneaky way they attack everyday Americans and again attempt to lay the groundwork to justify a national police force.
* a “FEW” disgruntled war veterans...
* “COULD” swell the ranks of white-power militias...
groups that “MAY” favor of state rights...
* SINGLE ISSUE groups who are opposed to Abortion or illegal immigration...
* "facilitate a greater understanding of the “PHENOMENON” of violent radicalization in the U.S."...
* white supremacists, have
“ADOPTED” the immigration issue (read the Minutemen here)
Using these types of statement are without foundation or warrant. They are designed to allow Homeland Security spinster attacks on regular American citizens and still sound as though it’s a valid application of federal law.
In reality, Obama and his administration are attempting to create a justification for Nazification of control of Americans through a national police force.
The Department of Homeland Security has turned into the Department of Homeland Control. How ironic is it then that when I hear those who were so critical of George W. Bush’s policies of the Patriot Act, are now bending over backwards in justifying Obama’s fascist policies in controlling Americans--not terrorists.
Suddenly, those who are using tea bags to simulate the Boston Tea Party, are anti-American and threaten King Obama’s status quo. With the Obama thought police beginning to take control, is it any wonder that they’re afraid. They are taking our money, our land, our freedom and shredding the constitution and the people are beginning to stand up to their National Socialistic agenda.
Obama has divided America more deeply than any president I’ve ever known and in a shorter time than I thought possible. The anger and resentment is becoming obvious as we watch Obama bow to the King Saudi Arabia and trash our own soldiers and countrymen. Is it any wonder why he is becoming more and more despised? It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a free, democratic and capitalistic America.