Wednesday, June 29, 2005


9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.
9-11 and Iraq are connected.

case closed!


Anonymous said...

I don't think you're trying to incite liberals so much as people who: (a) haven't been labotomized; or (b) haven't been brainwashed by Fox News.

PS: I think you mean "blatant".

NewsGnome said...

Correct! I do mean Blatant, thanks for the correction. It's been a long week.

The fiberal assertion that one’s opinions can be controlled by a media outlet is simply a joke. As a former TV anchorman, I’m here to tell you it isn’t true. If it were, America would be a bastion of hard left fiberals. The NYT, CBS, ABC, NBC, WP, LAT, BBC, Today, AP, Reuters and 80 percent of the media are hard left and have failed to control the opinions of more than half the American people. I could just as easily say you’re opinions are controlled by these media outlets, or “Air America” or Michael Moore.

No media outlet can force a person to have one opinion or another. You and I have certain values. All media outlets can do is reinforce or conflict with our values. It is the very reason Rush Limbaugh was such a big hit immediately because he is a brilliant analyist and simply reinforced a pre-existing pool of opinion that fiberals didn’t even think existed. How wrong they were. So your FOX accusation is a lame excuse for Fiberal failure to win in the marketplace of ideas.