Friday, November 10, 2006


Will you allow terrorists to call America on phones in America without listening to their plotting?
Will you keep the economy strong or raise taxes and regulations to punishing levels?
Will cut and run from Iraq leaving the people there to the ravages of terrorists?
Will you allow Iraq to fall to terrorists who say they’ll turn it into a terrorist training camp?
Will you provide the arms to American soldiers necessary to defend themselves?
Will you have the backbone to stand up to Iran?
Will you help defend Israel, or take the side of Islamofacists?
Will you be controlled by the Soros created hate mongers?
Will you destroy constitutional law and give international courts control over Americans?
Will you embrace the “hate Bush” left’s effort at impeachment?
Will you justify hate justified by Islam and continue to attack Christianity and Judaism?
Will you allow unfettered immigration bringing crime and terrorists over our borders?
Will you continue to put other countries ahead of America?
Will you take responsibility of terrorist attacks if you hamstring our mutual defense?

When will you begin being more defensive of America than America’s enemies.


Anonymous said...

Excellent analogy of yet another hypocrite or just another case of blame America or Christianity. But lets never lay blame at the root cause of this whole mess to begin with.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was meant for the Rosie post.
Here's my comment to this one. The democrats now have tip toe very carefully as to not let the rest of the country catch on to yet another one of their deceits. That is with the upcoming 2008 elections they have to pretend to be for the middle class and not leead on just to how much change they actually do want to want to make.
They picked people that were left to
middle as opposed to extreme left. But
if they get it all in '08 then they
can procede with their extreme agendas just they they would like to have done for the next 2 years.

NewsGnome said...

Got an idea for you to consider. What of some of these "moderate" democrats don't like the pressure form radicals? Will some of them jump the Democrat ship....just a thought. NG

NewsGnome said...

Read a piece today that on the "View" that Rosie said the terrorists were just moms and dads. Boy does she have her head in a place where the sun doesn't shine, I don't know what does.

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought about the types. Let's hope they all come to their senses although I won't hold my breath that it will be in the best interest of the middle class.