Monday, December 12, 2005


I agree with George “liberal looney” Clooney. “I’m sick of the word liberal being a bad word,” said Looney Clooney.

I’d like to change the true meaning liberal, which is “FIBERAL.” Fiberal is a word that much more closely defines Clooney and his tribe of liberal loonies.



Anonymous said...

I hear you brother. They all rally around people like Tookie Williams but they don't rally around the victims.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the greatest thing on Rush Limbaugh. An Iraqi woman just got done voting and she said" If people don't like what America is doing for us and President Bush then they can all go to hell"

NewsGnome said...

Tos, Did hear the Rush quote...super!

Also have a friend who's high school buddy is the assistant warden at San Quentin and he said Williams was not only unrepentant, but killed someone else in prison. Not the "Children's book" author changed man we've been led to believe he was.

Do you know how many children's books he actually sold...300 all totaled. NG

Anonymous said...

Idiots all of them! On Cranky's site today I posted that quote from the Iraqi lady and the arguments they come up with are unbelievable. They still say Bush lied. (their newest claim)It's amazing how they go off on a tangent.

NewsGnome said...

They don't want to really discuss issues on Cranky. What he demands is for his sycophants to genuflect obsequiously kissing his ring in the process. Of course, they ignore big time that if Bush lied, so did Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and the rest of them. But the fiberal lying was not really lying. No matter the fibs said the exact same things, and some every more than Bush.

All they care about it getting back in power, and if they kill some American Soldiers in the process and are treasonous in their comments in helping and giving aid to the enemy...OH Well!

Anonymous said...

How about some input Billionare.

NewsGnome said...

Tos, these posts are advertisments. They just try to get you to go to their blog. I wish I knew a way to keep them off my blog, but I'm not savey enough on the computer to keep them off so I just delete them.

It's too bad that Blogger can't develop some "anti-spam" software we can plug into to stop mass mailings to blogs.