The man is an idiot. Barack Obama "boldly" according to the Associate Press, yuk, yuk, predicts that it would be fantastic to go to an assteroid before going to Mars. That's where his head has been all this time already. An assteroid is that thing right next to the hemorrhoid and it only takes a little gas to get there.
Obama claims he'll see it in his lifetime. Given that he's about 50 and could easily live to 90 that gives us forty years to accomplish his goal. But also given the demolition of the economy and America's can-do spirit, by his administration, I'm not too optimistic it will be reached. What an utter putz.
it's amazing he can say anything moronic thing and change his stories daily and idiots Gog goo over him like he's some kind of Rhodes Scholar.
In the words of Alan Keyes "It's like we put insane children in charge of our government"
Geez! I can't believe this is going on in America. I thought we left history in the past but these libs want to relive it,rehash it recycle it and regurgitate it.
More and more I hearing from the people I talk to that Obama and his administrations are simply insane.
I would agree with that.
Tos, sorry about the delay, GOOGLE shut down Newsgnome for some reason and I don't know why. "Suspicious activity"...Someone broke into my email and stole my emails and was sending out sales promos using my list.
ok I was wondering. Disregard my wonderment on your recent post then
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