Barrack Obama is said to be brilliant. Oh, really. Nearly ever conclusion to which his alleged "super brain" has come, has been a colossal disaster. Obama's economy is a total mess. Obama's health care is bankrupting us. Obama's unemployment record and his efforts to correct it are the opposite of what needs to be done. Obama's policies for the economy continue to give us debts as far as the mind can comprehend. Obama's foreign policy has turned America on it's head making our friends and allies into enemies and our embolden enemies into disrespecting threats to us. Obama's energy policies are making us more energy dependant while destroying jobs. Obama's spending is literally beyond comprehension. If we get out of his destruction of our economy, it won't be by his help. Obama is in the process of making America defenseless by destroying our military. Obama is a hater of America, a detester of America, an apologizer for America.
The one great thing Obama is being eminently successful at , which I appreciate, is the complete and utter demolition of the Democrat party. In 18 short months he has done what no other president has ever done, taken his party from the pinnacle of success to the depths of depression both politically and economically. Thank you Mr. Obama!
Obama's grade for governance: D-. Grade for demolishing Democrats: A+.
Now with all his supposed brain power, one would think that he would be making better decisions. He is not. He isn't intelligent enough to understand the fundamental concepts of running the greatest country the world has ever known. In fact, his stupidity is so gross, that he is turning American in a third world country not just by his self-proclaimed intelligent choice but with monumental ignorance . That isn't a sign of intelligence, but a perfect example of a man who is so arrogantly stupid he defies description.
It truly is amazing how the mindless followers of this man don't care about the facts or the truth for that matter.
It seems no matter what he says they are all on board regardless of how counter productive or how much BS he says.
I have to pinch myself to remind myself this is really happening and the left is bowing done to this fictional character who is nothing more than a lap dog of Soros hell bent on bringing down this country at any expense.
All of a sudden there are no homeless people like there was when Bush was president. Everything is just great because they can all live on love.
Tos, Yea, and Soros just committed another $100 million dollar to a "rights" organization that will be nothing but trouble. Civil rights in America don't exist accord to them and Soros. As you say, Obama is Soros lap dog. Hey, no wonder he thinks he's a dog, Soros has been petting him for years now.
lol on the dog comment
I heart numbers.
despite the fact that I love numbers that are statistically relevant, despite the fact that I use big words (the two combined inherently makes e a liberal...) and despite the fact that you don't bother to post my comments anymore, I'll still say this simply for your personal edification.
Your use of the word "Terminal" is completely nonsensical, and perhaps is even pro Obama. The word terminal, when not applied to an airport or train station (and if you're willing to think about linguistics for a moment - which you won't because that would make you liberal (I'm referring to the "think" part, although linguistic scholars are traditionally liberal) has to do with something that has a definite end point. You're therefore saying that even if you believe Obama is ignorant now, there is a definite endpoint to his ignorance, implying that you expect him to be intelligent some day. (Get it?? Terminal is where something because or ends, not an indefinite or eternal state.) But golly, I must be an irrelevant fiberal for pointing out that you don't use numbers and can't get your metaphors straight.
Gee Whiz, Lonely, I didn't know that, Congratulations! Personally, I would prefer females.
Now don't get your thong in a twist, It's just a joke. NG
Because of the limitations of the comment page this has to be in two parts. Thought this had been posted found it hadn't been.
Unfortunately, Lonely you seem to have a hard time if I don’t respond to every word you write so I will, but you won’t like it. Meanwhile, you seldom even mention any comment I make to you, and only respond in detail to my blogs, don’t look for me to do many of these sentence-by-sentence responses.
*despite the fact that I love numbers that are statistically relevant, This is “Lonely” hate speech trying to put me and every fiscal conservative down that he accuses of not “loving” numbers, despite the fact, that is my main job managing my businesses. So I find it funny that he would attack that. My businesses, despite the disaster that is Obama’s economy, are still functioning with no help from him do to my ability to managing numbers. All the while you, Lonely, are trying to use attorney scams [(despite the fact you haven’t passed the bar) to get your rich clients into tax dodging shelters.)] Write me when you have a real business that you run on your own and aren’t begging a paycheck from the guy who is really running the business. Then we can discuss numbers.
*despite the fact that I use big words (the two combined inherently makes e a liberal... Lonely, you have a rapacious ego you can’t seem to help but feed on a daily basis. You’re just as terminally arrogant as Obama and I admit you try to use big words to the detriment of clear, concise and succinct communication. ¬
“ despite the fact that you don't bother to post my comments anymore, Give me one comment I haven’t posted of yours. I’ve posted even the ones that you’re written that were personally offensive to me and my family. I did take out your offensive profanity. I will admit to that, which you were told when you started commenting on this blog I would do. Don’t like that! Don’t post comments!
I'll still say this simply this is another example of your condescension and patronizing effort to raise his own stature by belittling others for your personal edification.
Your use of the word "Terminal" is completely nonsensical, and perhaps is even pro Obama. The word terminal, when not applied to an airport or train station (and if you're willing to think about linguistics for a moment - which you won't because that would make you liberal (I'm referring to the "think" part, although linguistic scholars are traditionally liberal) once again, Lonely, you’re using your well worn disdain and making an amazing generalization claiming, essentially that you have to be a liberal to be to be a linguistic scholar. That is so typical of liberals, the assumption of self-righteousness in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. has to do with something that has a definite end point. Gee Lonely, congratulations; you finally summoned the comprehension to get something right for once. Yes it has to do with the definite end point of Obama’s and your arrogance. As for the reference to a train or airport terminal, both are apt comparisons because Obama will be coming to a political end both in the November elections and 2012 elections. Obama’s arrogance is terminal, just as Hitler’s arrogance was terminal by its nature.
You're therefore saying that even if you believe Obama is ignorant now, there is a definite endpoint to his ignorance, implying that you expect him to be intelligent some day. (Get it?? Terminal is where something because or ends, not an indefinite or eternal state.) But golly, I must be an irrelevant fiberal for pointing out that you don't use numbers and can't get your metaphors straight. Wrong again, oh ambivalent one. In my usage, terminal describes the inevitable conclusion of the cancer of unfettered arrogance. Since you’re putting words in my post I didn’t write: “IGNORANCE I wrote “ARROGANCE,” I feel compelled to correct you on this statement too. If Obama eventually engages his brains sufficiently, instead of incessantly pushing his socialistic/Alinsky tendencies, he just may come to the end to his ignorance which is effusively displayed. Unfortunately, his arrogance is on a whole different level. I don’t believe he has the capacity to end it. It’s part of the nature and will bring him to an end, either in his decision not to run for a second time, or being kicked out, as will likely be the case. Oh, I just thought of a third case: That is if Obama is terminated in the Democrat primary by Hillary Clinton, whose star is on its ascendancy among Democrats who’ve had enough of the man of Hope in favor for the women whose husband was born in Hope. It will have been his arrogance that brought him to the terminal (ENDING) of his administration-thus terminal arrogance.
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