Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Barak Obama seems to be terribly confused about who he's running against. He and his Clinton minions have attacked Sarah Palin as being a pig. They've gone after Rush Limbaugh for quoting Mexican immigration law.

Obama attacks Sean Hannity almost daily. He slams Bill O'Reilly for asking the right questions.

Is he so stupid that he doesn't know who his opponent is? He has run one of the worst campaigns I've ever seen. There is no control over anything… It's a chaotic mess. Just think if he does get elected, the mess we'll have in the White House. It's plain scarry. Maybe we should change his name to Barack O'Blooper.

With the market today, it is more and more important not to gamble on hiring a rookie for President.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who has to go to Europe or speak in front of phony pillars and has a phony smile is only out to promote himself.
So we can question candidate's faith but we can't question Black Theology.
He's too untouchable and I don't trust him behind his facade. He's nothing more than a front man propagandist. He thinks he's the one we've been waiting but so di Castro and Chavez. Sometimes it's hard to see the difference.

NewsGnome said...

I think, TOS, that it's becoming more and more apparent that the finger prints of George Soros all over him. He's a puppet of Soros who wants a socialist America.

Anonymous said...

The thin is NG they used to hide Moveon now they don't care if everyone knows who's pulling the strings.
I saw an add in a local newspaper in support of Obama and it said paid for by
They think this guy is going to make us better. He's only going to create rich and poor. He says he's for the middle class. He's an elitist with that phony Castro/Chavez ,I am best for you ,smile.

NewsGnome said...

Your Moveon observation is right on. The problem for them, is that they're so far from the American mainstreet, if they try to impose their socialistic will, they'll alienate voters for years...which is wouldn't be a bad thing. NG

Anonymous said...

Good point