Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A new program has been announced to get rid of clunkers, however this time it won’t cost anything but a vote in November.

We need to get rid of the CLUNKERS IN CONGRESS by voting for the tea party candidates, and Republicans who believe in true conservatism.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


As a Tea Party supporter, I am tired of Republicans submitting to 21 per cent of the electorate and their socialistic agenda elitist leaders. We want someone to stand up and fight like Chris Christie, not tell us how they've "reached across the aisle."

We don't need to sublimate our principles; we are the majority in America. If political is the art of the possible as Bismark said, it is possible for thinking Americans to take control of our government if we conservatives quit thinking we can't go to battle against excessive liberals. We've allowed minority liberals to dominate majority conservatives for far too long.

University and college staffs and faculty need to be investigated to insure there is a politically balanced faculty...even if it takes aggressive affirmative action. If universities and colleges refuse to accept balance, withdraw their federal support and quit giving Pell grants and loans to students who go there, and this includes Harvard and Yale.

Deny any federal money to colleges that refuse to allow military recruiting and with ROTC on campuses. Then quit giving interviews to MSM outlets that don't have a politically balanced news room, and this should just be the start.

The application of affirmative action should be applied to bureaucratic jobs in government, since Democrats like to play the numbers game. I suggest that we do an extensive poll to identify those who lean Conservative, Liberal, Independent and hire with those poll results in mind. In other words give preferential treatment to those who fit the poll numbers. Isn't this exactly what the liberals do when they demand quotas?

Next, we should turn our attention to the main stream media. Liberals want to tell businesses who they have to hire. The one area that has been neglected is the newsroom. Conservatives need not apply. Liberals only hire liberals. For example, the number of seats in the White House briefing room should be allocated on the basis of balanced political numbers. Again, that's how liberals get their way. They get one of their own placed in a position of power and one who can hire, and that person makes sure that the criteria for hiring of newsroom staff members meet their liberal litmus test.

Once again, conservatives are the majority in America. We should start asserting our majority rights.

There are lots of other cases to be found where liberals take control of organizations that were never designed to be political soapboxes but have become so, by the exercise if agenda driven liberals. Another of the areas where the control of hiring of liberal dominated boards is in the area of non-profit organizations.

One of the biggest and the first name that comes to mind is the Ford Foundation which is essentially pursuing principles that are the exact opposite of the principles of its namesake. The Ford Foundation and organizations should be held account to their founding goals, not be allowed to misapply funds to attempt to direct liberal political issues. That can be corrected by using aggressive affirmative action appointments which keep the concepts of the conservative founder’s goals.

Next are the churches. If it's a "black" church, they have been allowed to be the centers of political activism without question, despite the fact that the liberals constantly demand "separation of church and state" but eat turds bending over backwards allowing these politically active "Reverends" pushing their political agenda for one party.

All churches should have to meet the same criteria. They and terminally active liberal churches do the same thing with no consequences. The political impact of allowing radicalized Islamic Mosques are also a growing threat not only to the concept of separation of church and state but the fundamental safety of American citizens and our way of life. They want to preach “Sharia Law” which is antithetical to the American Constitution. Allow all or allow none. That is the change we should enforce if separation of church and state is so precious to the liberal agenda.

We conservatives have the right and responsibility to stand up and say enough is enough. We will no longer allow 21 per cent of the liberal activists to control the majority of Americans. Come on America assert your rights. We are the majority, let’s start acting like it.


Sunday, September 12, 2010


Republicans are worried about the Tea Party. Democrats are worried about the Tea Party. Most Americans are worried about Constitutional America which we see crumbling before our eyes every day Barack Obama is President and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are running congress.

So it is that when you see an honest direct politician cleaning up the mess of his predecessor, unlike Obama who is incapable of intellectually understanding what needs to be done, it is refreshing beyond belief.

As a percentage, John Corzine left New Jersey in even worse shape than Bush did when Obama assumed office. The difference Corzine’s replacement, Gov. Chris Christie knew what had to be done and is in the process of doing it. In doing so, he said everybody is going to have to take some of the cuts and heat.

In true Teacher Union style, the union sent a hue and cry into the stratosphere for all to hear.
In the following link, an obvious union teacher is cry-babying all over the fact that she and her fellow teachers are not considered sacrosanct and should not be deigned to be subjected to any of the consequences the private sector has to face.

In other words, cut everybody else, just not us. She voiced that opinion to Governor Christie who gave one of the greatest, most honest refutations, I’ve ever heard in a calm and factual way, while this “teacher” was rolling her eyes like the third graders she teaches.

He is America’s greatest functioning politician. And finally, a politician we feel is telling the truth and not trying to spin or drift his words. Here’s the link. HERE

What do you think of his presentation?

Monday, September 06, 2010


Barrack Obama is said to be brilliant. Oh, really. Nearly ever conclusion to which his alleged "super brain" has come, has been a colossal disaster. Obama's economy is a total mess. Obama's health care is bankrupting us. Obama's unemployment record and his efforts to correct it are the opposite of what needs to be done. Obama's policies for the economy continue to give us debts as far as the mind can comprehend. Obama's foreign policy has turned America on it's head making our friends and allies into enemies and our embolden enemies into disrespecting threats to us. Obama's energy policies are making us more energy dependant while destroying jobs. Obama's spending is literally beyond comprehension. If we get out of his destruction of our economy, it won't be by his help. Obama is in the process of making America defenseless by destroying our military. Obama is a hater of America, a detester of America, an apologizer for America.

The one great thing Obama is being eminently successful at , which I appreciate, is the complete and utter demolition of the Democrat party. In 18 short months he has done what no other president has ever done, taken his party from the pinnacle of success to the depths of depression both politically and economically. Thank you Mr. Obama!

Obama's grade for governance: D-. Grade for demolishing Democrats: A+.

Now with all his supposed brain power, one would think that he would be making better decisions. He is not. He isn't intelligent enough to understand the fundamental concepts of running the greatest country the world has ever known. In fact, his stupidity is so gross, that he is turning American in a third world country not just by his self-proclaimed intelligent choice but with monumental ignorance . That isn't a sign of intelligence, but a perfect example of a man who is so arrogantly stupid he defies description.