Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Katie Couric apparently has been told that her $15-million dollar per year salary is going to be cut big time, take it or leave it and rumors are that she may leave it. She has been third, third, third and third. Let's face it, she's a loser. She's losing money for the network and stockholder owners of the once Tiffany network.

Here's the unthinkable suggestion. Hire a news anchor who is a known conservative and allowing him to bring the far left leaning network coverage back to, at least, the center of the news spectrum. I suggest that since CBS is a corporation, who has obligations to its stockholders, and since it has been obvious that leftist news anchors who've been ensconced from Edward R. Murrow to Walter Cronkite to Dan Rather to Couric, the change they talk about is long overdue. CBS has had 60 years of lefties and their ratings are crashing.

Brit Hume, who has more than enough gravitas, comes to mind. Maybe, CBS could do what their stockholders want, make some money and increase their ratings. It's obvious that FOX news has been showing the old, out of touch, networks how to do it. How about trying to balance news for a change instead of the unending leftist propaganda. Think the unthinkable CBS, think out of the Obama box you're in.


Anonymous said...

haha "think out of the Obama Box."
Good choice Brit Hume NG.
The Obamamedia is really geting tired and so am I. Tired of hearing him speak like a statist wannabe and his chin out- teleprompter speeches.
Not to mention tired of looking at his mug.
Hope all is well!

NewsGnome said...

Wish I could say all is well but with Obama, I fear for our children's future. There is no way we're going to be able to pay back the financial commitments Obama is piling up...Maybe someone at CBS with whose brain isn't fried by Obama stupidity will finally understand, but I'm not holding my breath. NG

TheLonelyArtistClub said...

Believe it or not, I actually agree that Brit Hume would make a good network anchor. I have my issues with FoxNews as a network, but Hume is very respectable and a quality guy I would consider watching any network news that anchors.


NewsGnome said...

LAC, Like you I have my issues, but with CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN etc, but I do believe that Brit would be a good replacement. He's much more balanced than any of the current anchors on the nets.

TheLonelyArtistClub said...

I have to ask, do you think Fox News has a conservative bias or do you think it's neutral? I have no problem admitting that most, if not all of the networks you mentioned, have a liberal bias, some much more than others, but I will accept arguments that they all lean left to various degrees.

Do you consider Fox News, a network run by an employee of three Republican presidents, to be a neutral news source, or do you just agree with it more? I don't take issue with you liking it more or thinking that it's better than the other options out there. I know plenty of people who get their news from Fox, but many of them are willing to admit that it's skewed to the right, they just want that view, and believe that it is the correct one. In my mind, believing that something is correct is a different matter than believing that it is neutral.

Wondering what your thoughts are on that.

TheLonelyArtistClub said...

you can e-mail your response to that last comment or post it here. I'd prefer e-mail if you're interested in debating the matter because I don't check your site except once a week or so anymore. But I commented on you, so your preference on the matter.

Anonymous said...

They lean to the right and those who agree with that same view will tend to watch it just like people with a left view tend to watch left leaning networks which is pretty much like all the rest of them.
Fox has Hannity(clearly conservative),O'Rielly(he's moved from the right more center) and Beck who I believe is just anti big government and spending.
All their shows with maybe the exception of Beck has both left and right guests.
No one denies they have a right tilt though. Nothing wrong with having that view if that's what you believe.
Of course the people who don't like Fox are liberals even though they have liberal guests but they have no tolerance for other viewpoints other than their own anyway.
I took the liberty of commenting on that although you probably directed it to NG.

NewsGnome said...

Tos, What is frustrating to me is that there are 15 major media outlets that all tilt far left. Then there is one, FOX who is right and the liberal get their shorts in a twist over that one alleged right tilting network. I don't have cable that carries fox so I don't watch it. I pick up some YouTube clips on occasion but that's about it and listen to bits and pieces to Hannity and Rush. But most of my reading is from a host of websites with lots of opinions on both sides.
No problem on commenting on the post. LAC has his opinions and we have ours. But like you say, we all tend to focus in on those outlets that provide us with the information we find accurate.

Anonymous said...

Oh NG I am sorry to hear you can't get FOX News Channel where you are.
Do you ever watch FOX news Sunday which is the same channel as American Idol? That's a pretty good show. Then I like the McLaughlin Group on CBS right after that on Sundays. I love Monica Crowley. I am a fan of her Radio Program too.

TheLonelyArtistClub said...

no problem with your comment TOS. I agree with the principle of what you say. I have no problem with people who say they watch Fox because they agree with it. I just have an issue when people try and tell me that its a completely neutral network.

Personally I believe there's no such thing as completely neutral. NG knows my academic history from e-mails we've shared, but what that experience boils down to is that I have a complete distrust of anything that claims to be objective. I listen to things based on what I want to hear - whether it's political, humorous, informative, dramatic or anything else. I realize there is a bias with what I listen to. It just bothers me when people who watch/listen to Fox endorse it's Fair and Balanced slogan, because it's just as biased as any of the other networks - except as NG points out, its the one conservative biased one (although I would add the slew of religious networks that I get on basic cable here. I don't think I would call anything with Pat Robertson on it 6 hours a day liberal - although it can be disputed whether that should be considered news.) If you, TOS, or NG (who doesn't get FoxNews there, but I'm sure would like a lot of it), watch Fox I'm okay with that as long as you're willing to admit that it's biased one way, the same way that I'm willing to admit that most of what I watch on CNN is biased another way.

My great fear is when people aren't intelligent enough to recognize bias. Although we have different fundamental beliefs about the role of American government, I believe that the three of us are all intelligent enough to know that the particular news personalities we watch/listen to are coming from certain perspectives that aren't neutral.

Personally, I don't care if someone is watching Hannity or Olbermann (sp?), what worries me is the idiot conservative or idiot liberal that swallows either pundit's garbage whole.

NG - although I'm note sure I can come up with all 16 networks you numbered, I won't dispute that there are for more liberal than conservative biases. I will however point out, that I live in Oklahoma, and while I love this state with all of my heart, all 4 local affiliates for NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX are extremely conservative. So in my own defense, I don't live in a market where it's simply 16-1 conservative-liberal networks, I can't watch local news, or read the dominant state newspaper, without getting a conservative bias.

Sorry for all of the rambling. With the risk of being repetitive, I want to emphasize my main point as I finish. I think it's inevitable that any news source will be biased (if it's even possible, I believe objectivity is the exception to the rule). I just hope that a conservative watching FoxNews, or a liberal watching MSNBC, realizes the inherent bias in what they are watching and takes that in to consideration when they process the information and opinions they are listening to.

my apologies for not proofreading this post

NewsGnome said...

I can get Fox, just chose not to pay for it. NG

Anonymous said...

don't blame you.