Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If the interrogation policies of the obama administration had been in place in 2002, Los Angeles would have suffered the same fate as the New York World Trade Center. Thousands would have died because obama would not have allowed the aggressive interrogation of al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

We would have never learned and stopped the plan to fly planes into high rise buildings in the City of Angels. The interrogations of the obama CIA wouldn’t have learned anything from the terrorist who was responsible for the 911 tragedy and 3000 dead Americans. What would Americans have advocated if there had been 10 attacks on America soil planned during the Clinton administration by terrorists and executed after Bush was inaugurated. Would leftist critics have been so hatefull of Bush. I think not. You'd have rallied around to help....but because Bush stopped further American deaths, he's a people are sick and don't deserve to call yourselves Americans.

President George W. Bush was the victim of his own success in stopping further tragic 911 incidents. The people of Los Angeles should be on their knees thanking President Bush for stopping the killing of their citizens. Instead, the idiots in LA have castigated Bush for using SUCCESSFUL interrogation techniques that saved their lives.

Consider the alternative. If obama had been president then, he would have failed to get this information of Sheik Mohammed and thousands more Americans would be dead in Los Angeles.

The use of information collected by wire tapping and the Patriot Act would not have been available and seven planes from Britain would have been crashed into buildings along America’s eastern sea board with more thousands of dead Americans. Because President Bush wiretapped terrorists, many Americans are alive today who would have been DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!

Maybe that’s what it would have taken for America to wake up to the horrors of radical Islam. Maybe then, George W. Bush would be hailed as the hero he should be revered as, for keeping Americans save from harm, the most important job with which any President is charged. obama, our first “blame-America-first President” on the other hand, would have allowed the death and destruction of Americans and then blamed the carnage on our alleged arrogance.

So while you obama zealots are cheering in turning America into a socialistic country, when the blood starts to run in our streets with terrorist suicide bombers, remember the president who kept you safe, and it wasn’t barak obama and won't be. OBAMA IS A DANGEROUS DUD, and I don't mean "dude."

Monday, April 20, 2009


Barak Obama continues to break his promises. NewsGnome will regularly post this list of Obama’s broken promises as President on the first of each month with new additions. Broken Obama promises are solicited from readers. Please add your contributions in the comments section and they’ll be added to the list.

New additions in red:


I will keep the US out of wars.................Broken
I will get us our of Libya war within weeks...........Broken
I will put solar panels on White House with solar water heater.............Broken
I will allow banks to return TARP money, not any more.............Broken
I will not nationalize the banks to promote socialism.................Broken
I will be different from Bush on Afghanistan and Iraq................Broken
I will declassify CIA interrogation documents............................Broken
I will not meet without conditions Venezuelan dictator.............Broken
I will cut make huge budget cuts (haha on you 100m only).....Broken
I will pick honest advisors...picks kickback NY scandal king.......Broken

I will have transparency-generals must sign secrecy Oath........Broken
I will cut the deficit in half by doubling spending–say what.......Broken
I will change the Washington culture of corruption.......................Broken
I will reach across the isle (I’m ready to fight Republicans)....Broken
I will have no earmarks in stimulus, there are 9000..................Broken
I will have transparency in White House emails except mine....Broken
I will demand human rights for China and Tibet..............................Broken
I will put legislation on Internet for all to read before votes....Broken
I will have honest advisers, except those who take free rent......Broken
I will have my administration pay their fair share of taxes........Broken
I will eliminate rendition of terrorist combatants..........................Broken
I will have a transparent admin. with the media.............................Breaking
I will bring charges against Bush admin. war crimes.....................Broken
I will have new blood in admin. but names Panetta to CIA..........Broken
I will have a transparent government..................................................Broken
I quite smoking (admits to bumming cigarettes)...........................Broken
I will apply windfall taxes on big oil companies.................................Broken
I will change US Foreign Policy, appoints Hillary Sec. State......Broken
I will change the defense department, YET keeps Gates............Broken
I will close Guantanamo (it hasn't closed yet)..............................Breaking
I will sit down with dictators with no pre-conditions....................Broken
I will stop waterboarding and CIA interrogation techniques......Breaking
I will use federal campaign funds..........................................................Broken
I will get US troops out of Iraq in 16 month....................................Broken
I will change Washington with new faces............................................Broken
I will not hire lobbyists, hires lobbyist Daschle................................Broken
I will be non-partisan. Hires highly partisan Emanuel..................Broken
I will eliminate Bush tax cuts.................................................................Broken
I will dump Patriot Act wire tapping....................................................Breaking
I will eliminate tax breaks for wealthy..................................................Broken

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Barak Obama’s first shot to establish a national police force has hit right at the heart of America’s faith in our government. A grassroots protest on Tax Day, April 15, 2009 has prompted Obama to send his director of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, to issue a multi-paged warning to police and sheriff’s departments across the country that radical “right-wing” agitators are on the verge of an armed insurrection against the United States of America.

She went as far as saying that returning American veterans are a threat to our government. That is irresponsibility on a monumental scale and she should resign immediately. Our brave soldiers, including my son, are not threats to America, people like Obama and Napolitano are.

For the first time in my life I went to an anti-government rally with my tea bag, protesting Obama policies. Hundreds of thousands were there, and all over the country. The predominate theme at the rally was that there was no faith in the Obama administration’s policies, taxes and unrestrained spending.

In addition, there was a palpable fear that the U.S. Constitution and America as we knew it in our youth, was being demolished. There were lots of young people there who understood what apparently the youth of the liberal left do not, that the constitution is not a document that can be changed at the whim of a “charismatic” politician.

During the campaign, the extremely liberal and some say socialistic Obama, has said one of his goals was to establish a national police force, a direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States under the Posse Comitatus provision passed in 1878.

Obama however, is attempting to form a psychological basis for such an unconstitutional act by using “Tea Party” protests as the provocation to move forward pushing a “Schutzstaffel” (also called the SS) type of internal police force or as Wikipedia defines it: "Protective Squadron."

How ironic that Obama spinmisters are twisting their perceived view of tax-day tea parties into creating the need for a “Protective Squadron,” exactly the same type of justification used by Nazis in William L. Shirer’s epic work “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.”

Consider the recent events that have occurred in the world and apply them to American citizens. Pirates are now claiming they’re going to kill American seaman. According to Obama, former terrorists who are oathed to kill all things American are now being called something other than terrorists, even when they call themselves terrorists.

While Obama is refusing to call terrorists, terrorists, here in American he is calling American soldiers returning from war, a threat to him personally, his administration and we Americans. It is outrageous. Our brave sons and daughters are being called the villains or as Obama’s 9-page DHS report calls them, “right-wing extremists,” “potential candidates to swell the ranks of white-power militias,” or even “Timothy McVeigh” type threats.

If you have a soldier in the family what do you think of the President of the United States calling your son or daughter whose life was under threat in a war zone, a potential terrorist.

Barak Obama is the single most divisive president in the history of this country.

He has managed to anger just about everybody with a brain. Even those brave buccaneers of the Somalian coast now want to kill Americans thanks to Obama. Pakistan is about to halt our drone operations in their county, and have already capitulated to Islamic radicals in critical parts of Pakistan.

The fickle French president Nicolas Sarkozy is even ridiculing Obama’s lack-luster performance at the G20 conference, sarcastically calling on him to walk on the water of the English Channel.

Obama’s effort to label Americans, American soldiers and those who disagree with his policies of massive spending, gargantuan taxes and communistic economic controls, is reminiscent of totalitarian thinking.

While haters of George W. Bush attacked our efforts to protect American citizens with the Patriot Act, Obama is planning to use similar procedures directed not at those who want to blow us up, but directly at American citizens on our own soil. In the first months of Obama’s administration, the NSA (National Security Agency) has done more internal surveillance in America than Congress allowed in the Patriot Act. Spying on Americans is worse now than it ever was under President Bush.

Just consider how the DHS law enforcement report is worded. It’s very devious, and worse than the Patriot Act by a mile. Here are some of the tricky ways Obama is attempting to label regular American who disagree with him politically. Some of these words come from the report, some from newspapers and online articles. The intent is to attempt to put those who disagree with him under suspicion by using carefully considered words in defining
American citizens. The qualifying words are insidious in the sneaky way they attack everyday Americans and again attempt to lay the groundwork to justify a national police force.

* a “FEW” disgruntled war veterans...
* “COULD” swell the ranks of white-power militias...
groups that “MAY” favor of state rights...
* SINGLE ISSUE groups who are opposed to Abortion or illegal immigration...
* "facilitate a greater understanding of the “PHENOMENON” of violent radicalization in the U.S."...
* white supremacists, have
“ADOPTED” the immigration issue (read the Minutemen here)

Using these types of statement are without foundation or warrant. They are designed to allow Homeland Security spinster attacks on regular American citizens and still sound as though it’s a valid application of federal law.

In reality, Obama and his administration are attempting to create a justification for Nazification of control of Americans through a national police force.

The Department of Homeland Security has turned into the Department of Homeland Control. How ironic is it then that when I hear those who were so critical of George W. Bush’s policies of the Patriot Act, are now bending over backwards in justifying Obama’s fascist policies in controlling Americans--not terrorists.

Suddenly, those who are using tea bags to simulate the Boston Tea Party, are anti-American and threaten King Obama’s status quo. With the Obama thought police beginning to take control, is it any wonder that they’re afraid. They are taking our money, our land, our freedom and shredding the constitution and the people are beginning to stand up to their National Socialistic agenda.

Obama has divided America more deeply than any president I’ve ever known and in a shorter time than I thought possible. The anger and resentment is becoming obvious as we watch Obama bow to the King Saudi Arabia and trash our own soldiers and countrymen. Is it any wonder why he is becoming more and more despised? It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a free, democratic and capitalistic America.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


I wish I'd written this but since I didn't at least I thought I'd share it. It's well worth reading.

An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single
student before but had, once, failed an entire class... The class had
insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one
would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will
have an experiment in this class on socialism.

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade
so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first
test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who
studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.
But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little
had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted
a free ride too; so they studied little. The second Test average was a
D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was
an F.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all
resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All
failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that
socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the
greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no
one will try or succeed.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


It sure is fun to see the New York Times eat crow. On their news and editorial pages, the NYT has demanded other companies be forced to cave to Unions. Now they’re telling the unions to stuff it if they don’t take pay cuts and a pile of other concessions. Hypocrisy reigns supreme at the Times.

It’s fun to watch the paper who demands that others succumb to the Union demands and Obutkiss’ demand for card check. Threats to close the Boston Globe if the Unions don’t give up $20-million in concessions sounds good to me. I wonder what the words taste like that the Times is eating....maybe that black inks infused into the wood pulp tastes a little like liquorice.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Have you noticed that obama is looking like a guy who is in over his head? I see someone who is acting haughty just to avoid looking like a deer in the headlights. Michelle was a nightmare of immaturity and improper manners in Europe and particularly in meeting the Queen of England. Or to quote the “hip hoppers” way to go first bitch.

Murphy should have cleaned Tedisco’s clock in New York if obama’s as popular as is claimed by the mainstream muppets. But at this writing Tedisco is currently ahead by the slimmest of margins and actually could win with the absentee ballots. Hopefully we won’t have a repeat of the Al Frankenstein fiasco in Minnesota where constitutional law is being pissed on by a multiple asses, as in donkeys, for months now.

obama...the man is a menace, to America and our Constitution.