Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have wracked my brain trying to figure out why Barack Obama would effectively bankrupt America. Does he really want to have a legacy of unaffordable socialistic care? It doesn’t wash. In effect, he will be remembered for passing debt far into the future, burdening our children and grandchildren with heretofore unimaginable servitude to debtors.

It is perpetually repeated that Obama is exceptionally smart. I would say that he is incomprehensibly devious. I believe that he is a radical Islamic plant; assisted by billionaire George Soros to put the United States of American in such a disastrously devastating financial position that we can no long afford to fight radical Islam except on American shores.

That is the point of his policies. He has used expensive domestic programs to spend us into economic collapse and a foreign policy that broadcasts apologies and bows to all our enemies and rejection of our historical allies as signs of capitulation to radicals. In effect, his is putting us in a position that we can no longer defend ourselves globally, leaving his radical friends free to attack undeterred.

That is what Obama is America’s conquer from within. He is, as Rush Limbaugh said, America’s first elected Anti-America president. He is the Manchurian President.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Whatever happened to plain ol’ Antisemitism…you know, hating Jews for no other reason than they’re Jews. Remember the fun of simply spray painting swastikas or Kikes on Synagogue doors, banning Jews from social or golf clubs. Remember Grocho’s great line…”I wouldn’t join any club that would accept me as a member.” You know…all the great old fun of slamming Jews.

Now Harvard pukes in their own aristocratic arrogance have gone and institutionalized Antisemitism and made Jew-hating an official policy. How can Antisemitism be any fun when Harvard elites have co-opted Jew-hating and made a whole curriculum out of it….demonstrated by that so-called august institution’s sale of all Israeli stocks?

It’s a darn shame that we can’t have our normal Jew hating Antisemitism of yesteryear. Now we have to listen to the self-righteous pomposity of Harvardqaedas telling us that they’re not going to side with a tiny country that suffers a steady rain of rockets aimed at killing civilians, but with the very terrorists who are shooting those rockets.

What has American’s alleged premier educational institution come to? Do you want to send your child to an educational icon to major in how to hate Jews…particularly when lots of Jews go to Harvard? What are the Harvard administrators going to do next, paint “Juden” or Star of David on the jackets of Jewish students, line them up on the side of a ditch and open fire?

Harvard has become the poster child of just how sick institutions of higher learning have become. At least we now know how all that Saudi/Muslim money is being spent in Cambridge, Mass. Harvard has obviously been bought and paid for.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


OBAMA SUPPORTS GROUND ZERO MOSQUE: Their Mosque isn't an outreach, it's an intentional Islamic provocation to rub America's nose in it, again! If they really wanted comity they would move it elsewhere out of respect for the victims of 911. They certainly aren't creating harmony with what they're demanding in the name of tolerance.

QUAYLE SAYS OBAMA WORST PRESIDENT EVER: Frankly, I don't even think he's that good.

TRANCREDO HURTS GOP IN COLORADO GOV. RACE: Maybe the GOP should get their immigration policy right and they wouldn't hurt so much!

CAL A.G. BROWN PUSHES FOR GAY MARRIAGES: Gov. Moonbeam would be for assimilating Wookies, if he would get him a single vote.

OBAMA SAYS SOCIAL SECURITY BEING DESTROYED BY GOP: Social Security goes into the red for the first time in history on his watch and he's blaming the GOP….what happened to Bush, I thought everything was his fault.

QUESTIONS HANG OVER BLAGOJEVICH CORRUPTION TRIAL: Are you kidding, questions hang over ILLINOIS like the sword of Damocles. I keep wondering if Illinois is an American state or a province of North Korea.

RASSMUSSEN POLL: HALF OF U.S. BELIEVES WE WILL BE NUKED: Hey folks, America is being nuked by Obama as I write, he's just slightly slower than conventional nuclear weapons.


PUTIN'S POPULARITY APPROVAL HITS 59%: How about we trade him for Obama, at least our president would be popular and the policies wouldn't change at all.

KC FED. RESERVE BANK PRES. SAYS KEEPING INTEREST RATES LOW DANGEROUS: I hear that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank have demanded his arrest because he violated the spirit of their anti-red-lining law.

RAMADAN BRINGS LITTLE CHEER FOR FLOOD VICTIMS IN PALKISTAN: Here in 911-land, Ramadan brings little cheer here either, anytime of the year.

GERMANY GROWTH RATE HIT'S 2.2 PER CENT: And to think they used spending cuts to achieve more than double America's growth rate…I think they must be cheating or using OBAMA accounting methods. Something's not right here.

RUSSIA PUTTING NUCLEAR FUEL INTO IRANIAN NUKE PLANT: And here I thought Obama had solved the "Russian" problem just by sitting down with them and telling them what they should do and smiling.

FIVE-DAY ABORTION BILL APPROVED BY FDA: Put another nickle-pill in, in the nickle pillodian, all I want is an abortion, an abortion, an abortion.…..Oh put another nickle-pill in……….."

THOUSANDS OF PATIENT HEALTH RECORDS PILED AT THE DUMP IN MASSACHUSETTS: Not a bad idea, lots of room, at little cost, saving lots of money. Seem the whole Mass. health care system is in the dump already...what's a little more paper?

OBAMA BENDS OVER FOR ISLAM: OK, I admit, I wrote this headline, but it's never-the-less true.

CAL PROP 19 WOULD GIVE PERMISSION TO SMOKE POT AT WORK: You mean to tell me it isn't legal

20-MILLION HOMELESS IN PAKISTAN FLOODING: It's obviously George Bush's fault. He's been watering trees on his Texas Ranch again.

BILL GATES SR. FUNDS CAMPAIGN INITIATIVE FOR INCOME TAXES IN WASHINGTON STATE: You and your son have most of our money already and you want more? You and Junior must be the greediest people on earth. Why don't you give the money your spending on the campaign to Washington taxpayers instead of trying to steal theirs?

WITH MORE BORDER RESOURCES NAPOLITAN SAYS: "TIME TO REFORM": Let's start the reform with you and Obama resigning your failed administration.

PROPOSED UTAH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION LAW CALLED RACIST: Which race is that? More than just Hispanics sneak into America illegal. Sounds to me like the Hispanics have their own racism problem against other races.

Friday, August 06, 2010


Michelle Antoinette Obama spends her (read: American taxpayer money) vacation funds in Europe outsourcing her money for hospitality jobs outside of America. Then to add insult to injury the "semi first-lady" outsources a designer (read: expensive) "Coat" from an English designer...NOT an American designer where we need the jobs.

Her hypocrisy is beyond belief. She and her husband have been stomping on American businesses for outsourcing and that's exactly what she and he are doing.

This is during an economic disaster in America. Does Michelle Antoinette Obama care?....she says...let them eat Kobe Wagyu steaks.