Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Six years ago, when Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) on the Senate floor declared that global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, " little did he know that it would be the scientists who advocated anthropogenic global warming (AGW) who would prove his assertion. But the very scientists who vehemently attacked him and claimed that AGW was a proven fact have done just that. Al Gore said the science is confirmed...well apparently his own scientists don't believe that, in their own "private" emails.

Some headlines have even heralded that very point that these released emails have revealed the biggest hoax in modern science. One of the major things that is revealed if you read the totality of the emails is the paranoia AGW advocates. When the scientists aren't emailing about a specific scam in their science, whey are writing about how to squelch skeptical thought from getting into scientific journals. They've gone so far as to try to destroy the science journal "Climate Research" to control the debate.

If it were not a hoax, why would it be necessary to worry about what other scientists were reporting? In other scientific disciplines there is a respectful and thoughtful debate, but apparently, to AGW advocates it is a blood sport, and these warmers demand that skeptics be subject to academic beheading for failing to submit to the party line.

Just consider exactly what many of the emails exposed and how paranoid they sound. To save space, the quotes are not cited but can be found in the WJS and Speigel Online and a host of blogs and web pages that quote another hundred examples of AGW advocates efforts to cover up their lies and thwart honest peer review.

  • "We don't really know why this [temperatures] stagnation is taking place at this point."
  • "Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise."
  • "Ammann/Wahl - try and change the Received date! Don't give those skeptics something to amuse themselves with."
  • "I hardly know any colleagues who would deny that it hasn't gotten warmer in recent years."
  • "Besides, there are still many blind spots, the largest being the Arctic, where there are only about 20 measuring stations to cover a vast area. Climatologists refer to the problem as the "Arctic hole."
  • "this reduced solar activity is the most important cause of stagnating global warming."
  • "hide the [temperature] decline"
  • "I think we have to stop considering Climate Research as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board...What do others think?"

Undoubtedly, the cacophony of the far left, Hollywood elites and Al Gore will bring out the big guns to attempt to shoot down the revelations in the indescribably damning emails. The fact is, these AGW scientists with their effort to hide the truth that AGW is a hoax, have proven, much to their chagrin that they themselves believe it's a hoax, a fact they've been hiding for years.

They sold their honesty transparency, truth and scientific integrity for government and George Soros grant money and to gain the accolades of Hollywood elites and the approval of Al Gore. Oh, and one other thing, they want to abet the effort to impose a government controlled socialism on America. In effect, it was a way to circumvent the constitution by using to control the generation of power, which is the engine of Democracy, capitalism and freedom.

To create a viable world hoax of this scope, you need collusion among a highly respected group. But even with those qualifications, what is the motivation to create such a deception? The usual suspects are money and power which are interchangeable in relation to this con game.

It is predicted that Gore will become the first "green" billionaire in the same since that Bernard Madoff became a Ponzi billionaire while being called a world class philanthropist.

It is the very definition of a hoax perpetuated by scientists to generate government grants, political power for politicians and money and adulation for Al Gore.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Barak Obama has been president since January of 2009 and despite spending trillions of dollars, there has never been a month in which there was any job growth at all.

Predictions by most major economists say things are not going to get better for years under the current Obama administration if it follows the current course of tax and spend.

Obama has been a one man wrecking crew on the economy. He has done more damage to jobs and the economy than the Muslim terrorists who took down the twin towers. Obama Is An Economic Terrorist demolishing the TWIN TOWERS of capitalism and democracy.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


TENNESSEE Trooper gets into trouble for White Pride email. NEWSMAX.COM

You can have Gay Pride, Brown Pride, Red Pride, Trans-gender pride, Yellow Pride, Green Pride, Muslim Pride, Wiccan Pride, Anti-American Pride, I hate Bush Pride, I love Socialism Pride, American Failure Pride, I Hate the US Military Pride, I Hate Capitalism Pride, I Hate Democracy Pride, I Hate the Constitution Pride, I Love Our Socialist President Pride, I Hate Jews Pride, I Love Ahmedinejad Pride, Terrorist Pride, I Love Palestinian Rockets Pride, I Love Chairman Mao Pride, BUT HEAVEN FORBID YOU SHOULD THINK THAT YOU CAN HAVE "WHITE PRIDE."

We've got Black History Month, Brown History Month, Yellow History Month, American Indian History Month, Latino History Month, Hispanic History Month, It Ain't Easy Being Green History Month...but where's the White History Month…especially European White History Month? It's a racial and ethnic group who has contributed most of the things that have made America great!

All racial and ethnic pride is allowed with the exception, of course, of WHITE EUROPEAN RACIAL AND ETHNIC PRIDE. A PROUD, WHITE SWISS-AMERICAN, MINORITY RELIGION, MALE!!!!!!! If you don't like it, you are a racist!

It's all an inferiority complex on the part of other races and ethnicities who can't allow Caucasians to have pride in their race or ethnicity. How sad and bigoted Americans of diverse races have become.

Friday, November 06, 2009


What kind of religion promotes the screaming "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great) just before its adherents being murdering people.

What are Muslims thinking? Is it a religions of pure insanity?

May the REAL God bless the brave soldiers and their families at Fort Hood.

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Thursday, November 05, 2009

1:08 PM

Reuters, the ever present Obama water carrier is at it again, helping Obama make excuses for his sorry administration. What a perpetual CRYBABY!

The follow was put on line this morning:

MADISON, Wis. (Reuters) - A year after his historic election, President Barack Obama sought to remind Americans on Wednesday the biggest problems he is grappling with -- from the economy to the war in Afghanistan -- are the legacy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

The one thing President George Bush didn't do is continually accuse Bill Clinton of the disaster his failure to address the terrorist issue was. He went about his work and duty. Obama on the other hand can't help himself in blaming everybody but himself….who fully deserves it. His lolligagging is deplorable on the critical Afghanistan decision. But it's George's fault. He'll still be saying it when he loses the 2012 presidential election.